Reasonable consumption

This article is about the way we consume when we create. It is not just about knitting, it can concern all the creative passions. Here is my reflexion about it, and what I try to do to consume in a more responsible way.

When we are passionate about something, we want to do it a lot, try new things, new techniques, new gear.

A few years ago, I started thinking about the way I consumed, regarding to knitting. I felt good about knitting : to me it was a responsible choice to create my own clothes. I was not buying a bad quality sweater or scarf. And I did not think beyond that. I used to buy yarn, no matter where it came from, the dyeing process, and the quantity of projects. And most of all, I knitted things, even if I did not need a new piece in my wardrobe. (Well, if you were here, you’d see the pile of knitted scarves and hats next to me. So I’m not cured ;) )  And I don’t feel ashamed about that. I think lots of us come through this. We get to discover an activity that we love and we are passionate about, we learn techniques, we want to create beautiful items, and we love the moments spent creating.

But one day, I realized I did not need all that stuff (I also did not have any room for more stuff !), and I did not want to be part of a consumerism system that was making us want always more, creating new needs.

Being passionate and reasonable at the same time is quite tricky. So there are days I convince myself I need this or that, but I try keeping in mind that I don’t need many things, I just love to create.

I looked for solutions : why not create for other people ? Or why not unravel some sweater I don’t like anymore and knit something new by recycling?  Knitting or sewing can be quite paradoxal : we feel good and responsible beause we create what we wear. But if we want to consume even better, we can choose to buy fabric or yarn from local producers, buy organic when we can, and buy when we need, or recycle things we don’t wear. We can even learn how to make yarn, fabric etc … and make our own.

HERE is an article in french from the website Thread&Needles  about sewing, the passion of it and what it can bring to people (from the identity questions, to the link it can create between people, to the question of consumption).

And you, what do you think about that? What is your solution? Would you consider practicing less to consume less? or reconsider the way you consume? 


Taking time to think about a new project

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